Hands Up Communications BLOG

Should I Use Video Interpreters? 8 Questions To Ask Yourself

by | Jun 5, 2020 | Interpreting

 “Are video interpreters the right choice for my organization?”

This has become a common question, and rightfully so. If you need reliable access to interpreters, video remote interpreting and audio (over the phone) interpreting can be life savers.

In fact, as demand for video conferencing continues to skyrocket, video remote interpreting (VRI) is becoming more and more popular for many businesses and organizations. That’s why we’ve identified the top 8 questions any business or organization should ask themselves when looking into VRI.

Take a look at these 8 questions below to help you determine if VRI would benefit your organization or business.


1. Do you serve people who are considered Deaf or LEP (Limited English Proficient)?

If yes, that could be the first indicator that VRI might benefit your organization or business. If you need to communicate with Deaf or LEP people, video interpreters could be the all in one solution you need to professionally manage a wide range of language barriers. However, there is certainly more to making the jump to VRI than just this question alone.

2. Would it be helpful to be able to make phone calls to LEP individuals for reminders, updates, and other important conversations?

Extra tools can sometimes come in handy. With some VRI technology, the bonus features that come along with it may surprise you. In fact, Hands Up VRI offers a complimentary interpreter conference calling feature to make this possible.

With interpreter conference calling, users can make phone calls to people in hundreds of languages. If your organization needs to make a phone call to people who don’t speak English, this added conference calling feature can make life a heck of a lot easier for everyone who needs to be in on the conversation. See the download below.

[download id=”1424″ template=”Interpreter Conference Calling feature”].

3. Would you find it helpful to have an interpreting resource for short, unexpected, or last- minute interactions?

When an onsite interpreter is needed for less time than expected, you could instead be saving money using video remote interpreters.

For example, if your interpreter is scheduled for an hour-long appointment, he/she will be paid for the scheduled time. If that appointment only lasts 20 minutes, odds are, you’re paying for the whole hour.

With VRI, you only pay for the minutes you use, eliminating all the one- or two-hour minimums that many interpreters require.

4. Have you experienced an increase in complaints from Deaf or LEP communities?

You can’t please everyone. However, there are rules and laws that require interpreter accommodations for both Deaf and LEP people. In truth, Deaf and LEP people want to be a part of what your organization or business have to offer. If these people can’t interact with your organization, both of you are missing important opportunities.

5. Does your organization have content that needs to be explained in detail?

We can all agree on this. Things go MUCH smoother when everyone is on the same page. This is especially true for healthcare and industrial industries, where health and safety are paramount.

As a matter of fact, VRI is a quick and seamless way to communicate accurately, whenever a Deaf or LEP person needs to. As a result, VRI can help you and Deaf / LEP individuals all stay on the same page.

HEALTHCARE: Better communication between staff can help prevent medical mistakes, especially when you have VRI to communicate with patients who don’t use English.

WORKER’S COMP: For industrial or manufacturing industries, use VRI to take advantage of the 5 Ways Communication Will Save You From Repeated Injuries.

6. Do you have employees who have trouble answering / asking questions to resolve issues due to communication barriers?

In order for any organization to run smoothly, there must be effective communication. Whether it’s employee to client communication, or employee to employee communication, VRI is an excellent way to keep communication running smoothly. Giving you access to thousands of professional interpreters, VRI offers communication advantages that can help employees and / or clients interact more smoothly and efficiently.

7. Does your organization have multiple locations, making it hard to distribute interpreting resources?

The bigger your organization gets, the harder it becomes to ensure everyone is communicating effectively. At the same time, communication within a growing organization is just as important as any other. With that in mind, VRI could be revolutionary for many organizations and businesses who are growing and expanding.

Here is the reason.

VRI can be easily deployed throughout multiple departments and locations with little hassle. In turn, organizations can offer professional VRI access, no matter their location. As a result, everyone has instant access to quality communication when they need it.

8. Does your organization rely on nontraditional communication methods or non- professional interpreters? (coworkers, friends, family members, or Google Translate)

Just because someone is bilingual, that doesn’t make them an interpreter. In fact, both onsite and VRI interpreters go through special testing and training to become a qualified language expert. Besides, interpreters aren’t just language experts.

Professional interpreters also follow common interpreter practices. Their technical training and years of experience makes them a communication expert altogether. To your benefit, professional VRI interpreters can be used to prevent interpreting bias, simple mistakes, or even financial loss.



Language barriers are everywhere. Yet, there are only a handful of solutions to manage language barriers the right way. If you’re looking to improve the way your organization communicates with Deaf and LEP people, VRI might be a good fit. Talk to a Hands Up language specialist to see if VRI might be the right choice for you and your people.