Hands Up Communications BLOG

Top 6 Schools For Interpreter Programs

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Interpreting

Before becoming CEO of Hands Up Communications, I worked with Go-React, a software company that helps teach performance-based skills online.

At Go-React, I had the unique opportunity to evaluate over 120 interpreting programs across the United States. This experience provided me with a comprehensive overview of the current state of interpretation education, including insights into various teaching methodologies, program effectiveness, and student outcomes.

As a result, in this blog I want to share the top six schools that stand out in the field of interpretation, and why you should consider attending them. We have our usual suspects such as Gallaudet University, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT NTID), California State University-Northridge (CSUN), and several other big programs. Here are some programs that you should check out!

Let’s dive in!

    1. San Antonio College

This is a one of my favorites to work with. I did several trainings and workshops on their campus, their passion to make sure they have a good program is clear. What makes SAC a standout choice is its commitment to practical, hands-on learning, which is crucial in the field of interpretation.

The curriculum at SAC is meticulously designed to cater to the dynamic needs of the interpreting industry. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, from the fundamentals of language interpretation to the ethical considerations and cultural nuances that are vital in this profession.

And the faculty at SAC is high quality. Comprising seasoned professionals with years of experience in the field, they bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the classroom. Their guidance is not just limited to linguistic skills but also extends to mentorship in navigating the professional landscape of interpretation. They truly care about the success of their students.

Check out their website here!

    1. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

This program is designed to empower students with linguistic prowess and the critical thinking skills necessary for effective interpretation.

What sets the University of Wisconsin apart is its innovative curriculum that addresses the evolving demands of the interpretation field. Courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest trends and practices, ensuring that students are well-versed in contemporary interpretation techniques. This forward-thinking approach equips students to be adaptable and proficient in various interpreting environments, from legal to healthcare settings.

One of the program’s strengths is its emphasis on community engagement and networking. The University of Wisconsin encourages students to participate in community events and professional conferences, fostering connections that are invaluable for career growth.

Check out their website here!

    1. University of Arizona

What truly sets the University of Arizona apart is its forward-thinking curriculum that seamlessly integrates traditional interpreting skills with the latest technological advancements in the field. This approach prepares students for a diverse range of interpreting scenarios, including high-tech remote and simultaneous interpreting, which are increasingly relevant in today’s digital age.

The University of Arizona prides itself on its state-of-the-art facilities, including modern interpretation labs and digital resources. One of the key benefits of the University of Arizona’s program is its extensive network within the interpreting community. Students have access to a wide range of career opportunities, internships, and professional connections, which are instrumental in building a successful career in interpretation.

Check out their website here!

    1. University of Minnesota (ASL PROGRAM…NOT ITP)

If you’re looking for a place to get your ASL foundations in place, University of Minnesota is a great place to start and have great skills to go the next level. The curriculum at the University of Minnesota is designed to be both comprehensive and versatile, addressing a wide spectrum of interpreting domains.

From medical and legal interpretation to conference and community interpreting, the program prepares students for the multifaceted challenges of the interpreting world. This training makes it an ideal choice for students seeking a well-rounded educational experience.

The program places a significant emphasis on ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity in interpretation. This focus is critical in today’s globalized world, where interpreters often navigate complex cultural landscapes. And this program is sure to equip its students with nuances needed to handle these different scenarios with professionalism and empathy.

Check out their website here!

    1. St. Paul College

The curriculum at St. Paul College is dynamic and constantly evolving to align with the current trends and demands of the interpreting industry.

A significant emphasis is placed on applied skills, preparing students to excel in diverse interpreting environments, including legal, medical, and community contexts. This practical focus is what sets their graduates apart in the professional world.

One of the unique aspects of St. Paul College is its deep integration with the community and its focus on language diversity. The college’s location and connections provide students with opportunities to engage with a diverse range of languages and cultures, enhancing their understanding and skills in real-world interpreting scenarios.

Check out their website here!

    1. University of North Florida

This one is my personal favorite because this is where I graduated from and I hold a masters degree from here. The curriculum at the University of North Florida is meticulously crafted to ensure a comprehensive development of interpretation skills.

It encompasses a wide array of subjects, from the core principles of interpreting to advanced topics like technology in interpretation and specialized areas such as legal and medical interpreting.

The program’s faculty is a blend of academic experts and experienced professionals. This mix ensures that students receive a well-rounded education, combining theoretical knowledge with insights from real-world practice. The faculty’s diverse backgrounds enrich the learning experience, providing students with a broad perspective on the field of interpretation.

Check out their website here!

Check For CCIE Accreditation

The above list includes some amazing interpreter programs, but no matter where you go, it’s crucial for students interested in this field to consider the importance of CCIE (Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education) accreditation.

This accreditation, particularly vital in ASL interpreting, is a hallmark of excellence. Programs with CCIE accreditation have undergone a rigorous evaluation process, including assessments of feedback mechanisms, up-to-date resources, and the quality of internship programs. Achieving this accreditation is not a straightforward task; it involves a significant amount of effort and dedication, reflecting the program’s commitment to high standards. For those seeking a reputable interpreting program, a great starting point is to consult the CCIE’s list of accredited programs. You can find their comprehensive list here. Programs on this list have done the legwork to earn their status as verified educational offerings in the field of interpretation.

A key question to ask any program you are considering is about the certification rate of their graduates. Inquiring about the percentage of certified versus non-certified graduates can provide insight into the program’s effectiveness and its alignment with industry standards.

Whether you choose one of the esteemed programs we’ve discussed or another accredited institution, the key is to ensure that your education aligns with the highest standards in the field. Remember, the right education is a crucial step in becoming not just an interpreter, but a bridge between worlds, cultures, and people.

Need Interpreting?

Hands Up Communications can help. Our goal is to help you effectively communicate with the world. If you need a remote on onsite interpreter, you can schedule one here!