Hands Up Communications BLOG

The Top 5 Mindsets Every Interpreter Needs

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Interpreting

As an interpreter, mindset is everything.

These are the tools that every interpreter needs in their arsenal to navigate the complex terrain of languages, cultures, and contexts. And one of those key tools is the mindset they carry with them through their work.

In this blog, we’re uncovering the top five mindsets that are crucial for any interpreter, whether they’re just starting out or looking to sharpen their expertise. They are the pillars that support accurate, effective, and nuanced translation.

Let’s dive in!

  1. Confidence

Being confident in your abilities, even as a beginner, sets the foundation for growth and learning. It’s about acknowledging that while you may not be the best signer right now, you are on a path of continuous improvement.

It’s important to resist the urge to be overly critical of yourself.

Self-doubt can be a major hindrance in your development as an interpreter. Instead, embrace a positive outlook. Have the confidence to say, “I’m new, I’m learning, and I will get there.” This attitude boosts your morale and encourages a growth mindset, where every challenge is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Your confidence also translates to your audience. It assures them of your commitment and ability to effectively facilitate communication. Remember, confidence is contagious; it uplifts your performance and instills trust in those you are communicating with.

  1. Professionalism

Being professional means recognizing the significance of your work.

You are representing someone else’s speech and facilitating communication. This responsibility requires a commitment to deliver your best, every time. And it demands a high level of dedication and a mindset that prioritizes the needs of those you interpret for.

This professionalism extends to how you present yourself. Even if you share a personal rapport with individuals outside of your professional setting, it’s crucial to maintain a formal, respectful demeanor during your assignments. Dressing appropriately is a key aspect of this. Opting for black or neutral attire is a standard practice in ASL interpreting, as it minimizes distractions and keeps the focus on the communication.

Another critical element of professionalism is maintaining confidentiality. This is especially vital in interpretation, where you might be privy to personal or sensitive information. Respecting confidentiality upholds the trust placed in you, and is a cornerstone of professional integrity.

  1. Willingness To Learn

Achieving certification and accumulating experience are crucial steps, but they are just the beginning. The true mark of a skilled interpreter lies in their commitment to continuous learning and personal growth.

No matter how seasoned you are, the field of interpretation teaches us a humbling truth: you don’t, and can’t, know everything. Languages evolve, cultures shift, and new terminologies emerge. This constant state of change requires interpreters to be lifelong learners. Often, interpreters find themselves highly proficient in certain areas, only to discover the need to delve into unfamiliar topics and develop new competencies. This process of learning and adapting is what keeps your skills relevant and sharp.

Growing as an interpreter also means growing as a person. It involves recognizing and filling gaps in your knowledge, staying updated with the latest developments in your field, and adapting to the ever-changing language. The skills you develop, the knowledge you gain, and the experiences you accumulate all contribute to a foundation that makes absorbing new information more intuitive and less daunting.

  1. Humility

Embracing humility means being willing to listen to others, valuing their stories and experiences, and acknowledging that everyone you encounter has something valuable to offer.

In sports, if the athlete assumes they can do the job, and isn’t humble with their practice they will eventually fall behind other players. Sure innate talent might carry them for a few years, but that success will always be short lived. To sustain their career and excel, they have to continually develop their skills and adapt their play style. This is the same for an interpreter. If you rely solely on your innate abilities, without striving for continuous improvement, it can limit your potential. And you might get left behind.

Humility is about recognizing that no matter how skilled you are, there’s always more to learn and ways to improve. Your skills, no matter how advanced, are part of a larger process of communication and that collaboration is key to success.

  1. Gratitude

Being grateful for where you are in your career means acknowledging the efforts, guidance, and opportunities that have shaped your path.

This recognition fosters a deeper connection with those around you and reinforces a sense of belonging and purpose in your work. And, gratitude towards the community you serve, especially in ASL interpreting, is crucial. It demonstrates your respect and commitment to the community, showing that you’re there as a professional  and an ally.

In practice, showing gratitude can be as simple as expressing thanks for the opportunity to work on a project, acknowledging the unique insights provided by community members, or recognizing the contributions of your peers. These small acts of appreciation can go a long way in building strong, positive relationships.

When You Are Ready To Be An Interpreter

Prepare to work hard.

The path to becoming a skilled interpreter is marked by the footsteps of those who have walked it before, and many of them are willing to help you. Building your career requires your own dedication, perseverance, and commitment. You can follow the path of others, but ultimately, it’s you who has to walk that path. Mentors can light the way, share invaluable insights, and offer support, but the steps along this path must be taken by you.

If you are aspiring to enter the world of translation, be prepared for a journey that is as challenging as it is rewarding. Embrace the skills of confidence, professionalism, continuous education, humility, and gratitude, and let them guide you. The translation community is always eager to welcome new members who are ready to embark on this remarkable journey.

You just have to take the first step!

Need Interpreting?

Hands Up Communications can help. No matter where you are in your journey, our goal is to help you effectively communicate with the world.

If you need a remote on onsite interpreter, you can schedule one here!