Hands Up Communications BLOG

How To Create a Deaf-Friendly Business

by | Feb 25, 2023 | General

Inclusivity and accessibility aren’t just buzzwords; they’re a way of fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, seen, and heard. As a business owner, increasing accessibility can lead to a larger customer base and more sales. Especially when catering to the deaf community.

Appeal To A Larger Customer Base 

Unfortunately, the deaf community often faces numerous accessibility challenges. However, by prioritizing accessibility for this community, you can tap into their remarkable loyalty and communication sharing. You see, traditionally, we have been among the last to learn about new trends, services, and opportunities. To overcome this barrier, we have cultivated strong networks to exchange information within our community. We deeply appreciate accessibility and inclusivity, and we are enthusiastic about promoting businesses that align with these values. I’ve seen businesses with a line out the door because they made their offerings more available to this community!

A telling example is the rise and fall of the Glide app. This app offered free video messaging without eating into phone storage. It was initially hailed as a breakthrough within the deaf community and many of us surged to it. The app gained popularity almost overnight, as news of its accessibility spread rapidly from person to person within our community. Unfortunately, when the app started charging, its popularity declined as quickly as it had risen.

Fast forward a few years, and enter Marco Polo. This video chat app offered the same thing, but the service was free with optional upgrades. And just like the Glide app, it was quickly adopted by the deaf community and continues to be popular.

So what does our community value? Free accessible tools that facilitate communication.

How does this transfer to your business? If you ensure your business is accessible, and provide a positive experience to the deaf community, the word will spread. We will support and thank you by purchasing your products and telling everyone we know about them. Whether it’s for employment or purchasing products and services, we share our experiences widely within our community. A single positive experience with your business can trigger a ripple effect, leading to a significant increase in interest and engagement from the deaf community. If you make your business accessible and a deaf individual has a positive experience, be ready to see a surge of interest from the deaf community. Word travels fast among us.

Attract More Talent 

Making your workplace accessible for the deaf community means you get the top pick of the talent within our community. We have so much knowledge to give and want to work hard for our employers. But unfortunately many employers don’t make it easy for us to work with them.

I worked at Sorenson Communications, a company based in Utah, based on a recommendation from a friend and also another company Convo Communications, also recommended by a friend. It was there I experienced first-hand what an inclusive work environment looks like. The company culture was one of understanding, respect, and value for all employees, regardless of their hearing capabilities. What made a significant difference in my experience was that my boss communicated in sign language. This simple act of inclusion meant that no matter the issue—a workplace problem, a promotional opportunity, or simply seeking feedback—I could walk into his office and engage in a clear conversation. Before I couldn’t do so unless a translator was present, but because he knew sign language we could talk without me depending on a translator to catch the nuance of my words.

It was an experience I never had before. And I couldn’t stop talking about it to my friends. Soon there were more of us within the deaf community joining the company. And we worked passionately for them because we finally felt included. Think about the untapped potential you could be excluding if you aren’t inclusive within your business? What if your best employee or the one that makes a difference in your company, didn’t get the chance to work there because they were deaf?

Your business can create a welcoming environment for deaf employees as well. One way to do this is by encouraging your HR team to organize sign language classes. These classes can cover basic signs, making daily communication with deaf employees smoother. While becoming fluent in ASL may not be a goal every employee can achieve, knowing the basics can go a long way towards making deaf employees feel less isolated.

The accessibility extends beyond the employees to the tools and resources the company uses. If your business employs deaf individuals, consider providing on-demand interpreting services. Such an offering can facilitate easier communication, making a deaf employee feel valued and included. Just as hearing employees have access to immediate communication and company updates, deaf employees too should have real-time access to company news and the opportunity to progress within the organization. And maintaining a list of interpretation agencies shows your commitment to inclusivity, whether it’s for your customers or potential employees.

In addition, the world has become more accessible than ever with the advent of technology. For example, automatic transcript services can add captions to your internal and external videos. These can also be used during meetings, ensuring everyone is on the same page. However, as with all tools, accuracy is key. Make sure the transcriptions are correct to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.

Be Ready For All Conversation 

In this global business world, readiness for conversations in sign language or any other language can be a game-changer. At Hands Up Communications, we aim to simplify the process of inclusion. You can set up an account with us at no cost, and even if you never use us, we’re always here, ready to assist.

By actively connecting with a broader audience, you unlock a wealth of opportunities for your business. More customers will be drawn to your door, eager to engage with a company that values and respects their unique communication needs. Moreover, by embracing diverse forms of communication, you open the doors to a larger pool of talented individuals who will be passionate about working alongside you. By tapping into this diverse talent, you can drive innovation, creativity, and success within your organization.

Everyone benefits from a world that is more connected, understanding, and accessible. By taking steps towards greater inclusion, you contribute to a business world that is not only diverse but also open and welcoming. So, be ready for all forms of communication, seize the opportunity to expand your reach, and create a brighter future where everyone has a voice.