How Emergency Language Services Can Help Your Hospital

In the frantic pace of emergency healthcare, where every second can mean the difference between life and death, clear and effective communication is not just important—it’s crucial. In a hospital emergency room in Iowa, a critical situation unfolded. A deaf patient...

The Crucial Role of Legal Interpreters

Not every interpreter is equipped to handle legal interpreting. When I worked as a Certified Deaf interpreter I was not court-certified, but an urgent situation led me to step in when no other interpreters were available due to their obligation with the pre-existing...

4 Ways Local Businesses Can Support The Deaf Community

The deaf community remains a significant yet often overlooked segment of society. Which is sad to see because they have so much to offer. Overlooking this vibrant community not only means missing out on a pool of passionate and dedicated employees. When businesses...

Music And The Deaf Community

In the deaf community, music is a hot topic. While music’s auditory component is undeniable, its essence goes far beyond just hearing—it’s about feeling, connecting, and expressing. A common misconception is that deaf individuals are detached from music. On the...